Международни изложения в Джакарта, Индонезия, планирани за 2023 г.
От Министерството на икономиката и индустрията чрез посолството на България в Джакарта, Индонезия е постъпила информация за предстоящи изложения през 2023 г., организирани от Krista Exhibitions, РТ Kristamedia Pratama – организатор с над 25 години опит. Изложенията ще бъдат проведени в Jakarta at JIExpo Kemayoran, както следва:
June 15-18, 2023
Indonesia International Food Exhibition – Surabaya, Indonesia’s food & hospitality exhibition with more than 150 exhibitors.
August 3-5, 2023
Indo Leather & Footwear – leading leather & footwear products, machinery,
manufacturing & technology exhibition in Indonesia with more than 250 exhibitors from 10 countries
September 21-23, 2023
Indo Beauty/K-Beauty Expo – leading beauty exhibition in Indonesia with more than 200 exhibitors from 15 countries
Indo Healthcare Expo – leading healthcare exhibition in Indonesia with more than 100 exhibitors from 10 countries
October 11-14, 2023
AllPack Indonesia Expo – Indonesia & ASEAN’s largest packaging exhibition with more than 700 exhibitors from 30 countries
AllPrint Indonesia Expo – Indonesia’s largest printing exhibition with more than 250 exhibitors from 10 countries
November 8-11, 2023
SIAL INTERFOOD & SEAFOOD SHOW ASIA Expo – Indonesia’s largest food & hospitality exhibition with more than 1000 exhibitors from 40 countries
InaShop Expo – Indonesia’s only retail equipment and technology expo with more than 100 exhibitors from 10 countries
Българските компании, които проявяват интерес за участие, могат да получат допълнителна информация от:
Eveline M. Polana
Communication Manager
KRISTA EXHIBITIONS – PT. Kristamedia Pratama
Jl. Blandongan No. 28 D/G
Jakarta 11220, Indonesia
E-mail: eveline.polana@kristamedia.com
Mobile: +62 878-8337-8398
Tel: +62 21 634 5861: 634 5862 ext. 4303
Fax: +62 21634 0140: 634 2113
Website: www.kristamedia.com